Reviews & Quotes | OLD LESBIANS
NBC News
"'Old Lesbians' documentary highlights the importance of recording 'herstory'"
"McDonough skillfully weaves together interviews and archival footage to paint a vivid picture of Eversmeyer’s vision and the collective mission of LOAF: to provide a space for older lesbians to connect, share their stories, and find affirmation in their identities...This truth underscores the challenges these ‘old lesbians faced in finding one’s identity amidst societal silence and stigma. Yet, amidst these struggles, the film doesn’t forget to celebrate moments of love and longing, capturing the essence of queer desire with raw honesty and vulnerability."
Texas Woman's University | Dr. Agatha Beins, Program Lead, Multicultural Women’s and Gender Studies Program, Films for the Feminist Classroom
Bringing Lesbian Herstory to Life: A Discussion with Filmmakers Meghan McDonough and Rengim Mutevellioglu
"This short documentary from the US filmmaker Meghan McDonough explores Eversmeyer’s decades-spanning work chronicling the experiences of these women, and pairs intertwining fragments of their stories with lively animations."
"The “Old Lesbians” documentary paints a portrait of [Arden] Eversmeyer and her fellow self-proclaimed old lesbian community through an assemblage of video interviews, stop-motion animated collages constructed from archival materials, and digitized OLOHP oral stories from the Sophia Smith Collection at Smith College in Massachusetts."