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Estudios de nativos americanos • Sociología • Historia de EE. UU. • Estudios americanos • Sociología del deporte • Estudios medioambientales
Fecha de finalización: XXXX | Tiempo de ejecución: XX minutos | Idioma: XXXXX con subtítulos XXXX | Subtítulos: Sí/No | Incluye: Transcripción y guía de estudio
¿Qué significa ser un REVOLUCIONARIO AMERICANO hoy? Grace Lee Boggs, una mujer chino-estadounidense de Detroit, que murió en octubre de 2015 a los 100 años, tiene una visión sorprendente de la revolución. Escritora, activista y filósofa arraigada durante más de 70 años en el movimiento afroamericano, dedicó su vida a una revolución en evolución que abarcaba las contradicciones del pasado de Estados Unidos y su futuro potencialmente radical. Este documental ganador del Premio Peabody nos sumerge en la práctica de toda la vida de Boggs de encender el diálogo y la acción comunitarios, trabajo que atraviesa los principales movimientos sociales estadounidenses del siglo pasado: desde los derechos laborales hasta los derechos civiles, pasando por el Black Power, el feminismo, el asiático-americano y el medio ambiente. movimientos de justicia y más allá.
Angela Davis, Bill Moyers, Bill Ayers, Ruby Dee y Ossie Davis, Danny Glover, el marido de Boggs, James Boggs, y una gran cantidad de camaradas de Detroit de tres generaciones ayudan a dar forma a esta historia exclusivamente estadounidense. Mientras lucha con un Detroit en transición, las contradicciones de la violencia y la no violencia, Malcolm X y Martin Luther King Jr., las rebeliones de 1967 y nociones no lineales del tiempo y la historia, Boggs emerge con un enfoque que es radical en su simplicidad y claridad: la revolución no es un acto de agresión o simplemente una protesta. La revolución, dice Boggs, tiene que ver con algo más profundo dentro de la experiencia humana: la capacidad de transformarse uno mismo para transformar el mundo. Con más de diez años de realización, esta película interdisciplinaria tiene un gran atractivo.
LA Times | Katie Walsh
"I Am Evidence is a searing, lucid film that never shies from tough details, especially when survivors share their attacks in a powerful bearing of witness. The film is also a legal thriller focusing on three American cities - Detroit, Cleveland and Los Angeles - grappling with tens of thousands of untested rape kits."
"Dear Friend, The backlog can be difficult to comprehend: hundreds of thousands of untested rape kits sitting in law enforcement facilities across the United States. Hundreds of thousands of kits. Untested. For years, many for more than a decade, as statutes of limitations run out. And behind each of those kits, a person—a sexual assault survivor—waiting for justice, waiting for closure. Or not waiting anymore, because it’s just been too long. We don’t know the full extent of the backlog because few state governments and no federal agencies require police departments to count or track the kits in their possession. Thus, most of the time, the number of untested kits in a particular place remains unknown until advocates, survivors, journalists, non-profit organizations—or concerned citizens—initiate and lead an inquiry. I was born and raised in Los Angeles, and the discovery in 2010 of more than 12,000 untested kits there shook me to the core. The rape kit backlog offers one of the clearest and most shocking demonstrations of how sexual assault victims are regarded in our society. Testing rape kits sends a fundamental and crucial message to victims of sexual violence: “You matter. What happened to you matters. Your case matters.” At its core, this issue is about survivors. What mattered most to me in making I AM EVIDENCE was bringing their stories into the light and giving them the space to tell their truths. And not just of their assaults, but of the effect of a flawed criminal justice system that left their rape kit untested and their cases unresolved. I am deeply inspired by the advocates and survivors who have engaged in this work for decades. I AM EVIDENCE also allows us to shine a spotlight on the remarkable efforts in communities across America to bring an end to this injustice. With this film, as we elevate the voices of those most impacted, we aim to provoke outrage, mobilize the public, underline the urgency of this effort, and ultimately, join forces with advocates across this country to end the backlog. I have been inspired everyday by these stories of strength, growth, perseverance, and survival. I am confident our audiences will also be inspired—and outraged. My fervent hope for this film is that it will be a catalyst for action, that it will move you to learn about what is happening around the backlog in your community and in your state, and that it will motivate you to join this movement to end this injustice once and for all. Survivors deserve better. We all deserve better. The time is now."
Best Documentary | The Emmy® Awards
Alfred I. duPont-Columbia Award | Alfred I. duPont-Columbia Award
Nominee, Outstanding Achievement in a Nonfiction Film for Broadcast | Cinema Eye Honors
Nominee, Best Investigative Documentary | The Emmy® Awards
Silver Gavel Awards for Media and the Arts | American Bar Association
Nominee, Best Documentary | Peabody Awards
Audience Award, Best Documentary Film | Provincetown International Film Festival
Special Jury Award for Impact in Filmmaking | Hawaii International Film Festival
Tribeca Film Festival
AFI Docs Film Festival
Nantucket Film Festival
St. Louis International Film Festival