Reviews & Quotes | FLY IN POWER

The Amp | Kathy Ou, Writer
"A stunning feat of mourning, loving, and community-building, Fly In Power stands alone in its unique aesthetics of care and collectivity. In order to protect the massage workers’ identities, the filmmakers never show us their faces, which is an enormous creative challenge that was accomplished beautifully."

Asian CineVision | Demi Guo, Writer
"Fly in Power is a call to action...Everything about this film challenges our misconceptions of worlds we seldom give a second thought to, be it an Asian neighborhood, Asian woman, migrant women, or sex work."

Herizons | Cid V Brunet, Writer
"Fly In Power’s juxtaposition of intimate moments with difficult political realities underscores the urgency of the issues Red Canary Song members have risked their safety to highlight...With incredible vulnerability and bravery, this film captures the incredible strength of Asian massage workers and sex workers surviving and thriving, while fighting for collective justice."