50 STATES OF SUSTAINABILITY Interview with Larry Confino on Spotlighting Solutions to Climate Change

Larry Confino is the Director/Producer of the series 50 States of Sustainability

Why did you make this film?
Larry Confino: Many people view climate change as inevitable and therefore feel powerless to do something about it. We believe that there is not enough media available that highlights the variety of climate solutions and innovations that are being worked on across the US. We believe that if audiences feel that mitigating climate change solutions are possible then perhaps they are more likely to feel they can act and be part of the solution.
Why is this documentary series relevant to our current moment?
Larry Confino: At this moment in time, it is critical that climate change related solutions and innovations be implemented at a rapid pace if we are to mitigate the ill effects of global temperatures rising.
Why is it important to you that this film is viewed in an educational context?
Larry Confino: Part of the goal of the series is to spur discussion in a classroom setting, particularly among young people who are about to enter the workforce. If the series inspires people to work on climate change solutions we'd consider that to be a win for society and the planet.
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