Film poster for "What Do You Believe?" with five teenagers standing by bay.
Film poster for "What Do You Believe?" with five teenagers standing by bay.
The religious lives of American teenagers


Regular price $249.00


​HIGHLY RECOMMENDED ★★★1/2 - Video Librarian | "Outstanding" - School Library Journal Voted “One of Ten Best Videos for Young Adults in 2003” by the American Library Association | HIGHLY RECOMMENDED - Educational Media Reviews Online

Religion + Spirituality • Youth Development • Diversity • American Society

Date of Completion: 2003 | Run Time: 49 minutes​​ | Language: English | Captions: No Director: Sarah Feinbloom | Associate Producer: Klara Grunning Harris

In this award-winning documentary featured on PBS, a religiously diverse group of teens reveal their inner struggles and personal beliefs about faith, morality, suffering, death, prayer, the purpose of life and the divine. Without a hint of dogma they candidly discuss everything from hormones to heaven, deflating misperceptions and stereotypes and making a strong case for a more tolerant America. WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE? features Buddhist, Catholic, Muslim, Native American, Jewish, Pagan as well as Christian teens. Accompanied by an in-depth 28-page activities guide, WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE? is an excellent resource for comparative religion courses and exploring and promoting diversity in high schools and youth programs.

Video Librarian
"This insightful documentary is highly recommended."

School Library Journal
"An outstanding documentary...A magnificent undertaking...the dialogue is from the heart.”

Educational Media Reviews Online Charles J. Greenberg, Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, Yale University
"For all of the profiled teenagers, the influence of parental religious practice is overt, and parental approval and encouragement has provided the initial learning environment. At the same time, some of the teens have begun to question their religious identity and are uneasy in knowing how this might disappointment parents or close religious friends.

The well-edited audio and video production relies entirely on the ability to capture spontaneous words and actions of the teenage subjects. Introductory factual passages precede some interview segments. While the absence of narration would not help viewers with visual disabilities, the subjects’ own words clearly capture their perspective on faith, and I could easily imagine hearing the soundtrack as a radio feature.

Regardless of how strong the formal practice of religion remains at the end of each individual teen’s story, we are consistently confronted with articulate, optimistic, and inquisitive youth that are happy and self-confident, if not entirely sure how to integrate the tenets of their faith with the first romantic impulses they feel. Not a stereotype or trend seeker in sight. Highly recommended for secondary and public library collections."

The Interfaith Observer
"Sarah Feinbloom’s award-winning What Do You Believe? is a one-hour interfaith video that gives voice to a new interracial, interethnic, interreligious generation. Twenty teenagers talk about God, faith, prayer, death, and their own religious experiences. Five of them, coming from American Indian, Buddhist, Catholic-Jewish, Muslim, and Wiccan backgrounds, share their lives and spiritual formation in detail.

Adult voices never intrude. Coming from all manner of religious backgrounds, the young people speak openly, from the heart. Though produced nine years ago, the film is as alive and vibrant in 2012 as when it first came out.

Sarah Feinbloom fell into filmmaking almost accidently when her fellow teachers in Boston’s Roxbury district watched her film her students and encouraged her to become a director. What Do You Believe? comes with a curriculum you can download at the film’s website. (You can also see a two-minute trailer.) Compelling and highly recommended for young adults and for their elders, who may have underestimated the spiritual curiosity and wisdom of teenagers."

Sarah Feinbloom is the founder and the former executive director of GOOD DOCS – an educational documentary distribution company specializing in human rights and social issue documentaries. She is also an award-winning director, producer and editor whose film work includes documentaries, dramatic narratives and fundraising videos.

As the former head of GOOD DOCS which she founded in 2013, Sarah was responsible for curating a significant collection of impactful, highly sought out documentaries. She grew the number of films to almost 400 titles, resulting in the company becoming a  leading educational film distributor before selling it to Sage Publications in 2024. GOOD DOCS films are part of the permanent collections of over 1500 college and university libraries, as well as established parts of hundreds of high school curricula and non profit trainings nationwide and abroad. The award-winning collection engages and inspires audiences by featuring rarely heard stories about individuals and communities working towards a more equitable world, and champions creative expression, and complex films that provoke critical thinking. The company has become a home to a significant number of independent documentary filmmakers seeking ways to share their films with students, educators and communities and provides them with the opportunity to generate sales revenue for their projects. GOOD DOCS represents established documentarians and passionate new filmmakers driven by their experiences as educators, academics, journalists, artists, social workers, community members, and activists.

While growing GOOD DOCS, Sarah sought out numerous opportunities to connect her filmmakers with audiences through the GOOD TALKS program she created - a highly regarded speaker series which has brought filmmakers, activists and their films to hundreds of schools, programs and community groups. During her tenure she produced over 500 speaking engagements, and the program continues to grow and thrive, giving filmmakers opportunities to talk about their work and generate revenue from their talks. Continuously adapting to the needs of her filmmakers and the educational institutions she served, Sarah went on to conceive of and develop a unique approach to running successful documentary film impact campaigns. Some highlights include a campaign for the Sundance film INVENTING TOMORROW on teen scientists saving the environment, for which she oversaw impact screenings of the film to over 5,000 high schools who could not have otherwise afforded this valuable resource. Sarah organized 1,500 free impact screenings around the country for the film PERSONAL STATEMENT and the #WeBelongInCollege impact curriculum funded by the Bill Gates Foundation to support college access for low income students. Also of note for the Claims Conference film RECKONINGS, which focuses on Jewish studies, genocide and reparations, she made possible over 800 free screenings in higher ed institutions and high schools nationwide. To support all of these accomplishments, Sarah oversaw a growing staff, a successful internship program and was responsible for the daily operations and strategic growth of the company.

Alongside her work building and running GOOD DOCS, Sarah has had a longtime career as a documentary filmmaker. In much of her own documentary film work,  she developed and practiced a collaborative-filmmaking approach, partnering with individuals and communities to center their stories and experiences. Her first film was a co-production with her Boston high school students in 1991 called YOUTH TO YOUTH - A Video About Violence. By putting cameras into the hands of her students, she was one of the early independent filmmakers to foster and promote youth led storytelling. In 2005 she directed and produced DAUGHTERS AND SONS - Preventing Child Trafficking In The Golden Triangle which raised over $200,000 for a Thai NGO working on protecting Thai, Hmong, Karen and Vietnamese children. Some of her other credits include EARTH, WATER, WOMAN (2013) about a Rastafarian Trinidadian woman and her community combating climate change in the Caribbean, and MANY LOVES, ONE HEART (2017) on LGBT activists and their allies in Jamaica.

Her latest project WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE NOW?  (2019) is a feature length follow up to her 2002 documentary WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE? which focus on the spiritual and religious journeys of a diverse group of teens into their adulthoods. Both films premiered at the Mill Valley Film Festival. WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE? aired on PBS in 2003 and screened internationally at venues including the National Association of Multicultural Education and the American Academy of Religion. It was voted “One of the Ten Best Videos for Young Adults in 2003” by the American Library Association and has been shown at over 2,000 schools and colleges. Sarah also created and led participant-centered workshops on interfaith dialogue and religious diversity. She has been a featured speaker for the Ford Foundation Difficult Dialogue Series, the Graduate Theological Union's conference Religious Pluralism in the 21st Century, and the Religions For Peace-USA Symposium: Beyond Bigotry. 

Although she never went to film or business school, Sarah has a B.A. in Political Science from Barnard College, Columbia University and an M.A. in Education from Tufts University. In the past, she taught high school social studies and history, adult ESL and youth filmmaking workshops. She also worked as journalist in Israel. She recently served as a jury member for Jewish Story Partners 2024 granting cycle, and is a former member of New Day Films.