George Hirose is a photographer, artist, film producer, curator, educator, activist, and lifelong New Yorker. He is a former President and current Vice-President of the Japanese American Citizens League NY Chapter, serves on the Board of Directors of the Japanese American Association and is involved with several other Asian-American community and advocacy organizations.

Until he retired from teaching in 2022, he was an Associate Professor in Photography at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York. As a fine art photographer, he has been widely exhibited in one person and group shows in the United States and abroad.

George began his creative career as a film maker focusing primarily on experimental film work which segued into fine art photography. He is currently working on a book “Midnight in the People’s Garden: Night Photographs from NYC Community Gardens”.

In recent years he has moved into film production mainly centering around social-justice documentary, and it is through this medium that he feels he can support and fight for what is right. His production credits credits include PHOTOGRAPHIC JUSTICE: THE CORKY LEE STORY in 2022, “The Other Side of the Sea” 2022, “Call Me Mule” 2023, Hear, Eat, Home” (in production) and “Stop Asian Hate!” 2024.

For more information please visit:,
ghirose60 on IG, and George Hirose on FB.