Linda Goldstein Knowlton co-directed and co-produced the feature-length documentary, The World According to Sesame Street. The film examines Sesame Street's international co-productions, made primarily in some of the world's political hotspots, including Kosovo, Bangladesh, and South Africa. The film made its World Premiere in competition at the 2006 Sundance Film Festival as an Official Selection in the U.S. Documentary category. Previously, Goldstein Knowlton produced the New Zealand film Whale Rider (2002), which was the winner of the Audience Awards at Toronto, Sundance, Rotterdam, Seattle, San Francisco, and Maui film festivals. Born and raised in Chicago, Goldstein Knowlton studied neuroscience at Brown University. She worked raising funds for film preservation at The American Film Institute, in Washington, D.C., and, later, in Los Angeles. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and daughter. Linda's documentary SOMEWHERE BETWEEN explores the emotional and cultural impact of adoption from the point of view of four teenage girls, all adopted from China. This award winning film shares their personal journeys as these adoptees convey the experiences of a generation of young people attempting to reconcile their multiple identities. As SOMEWHERE BETWEEN plunges the viewer into their ordinary and sometimes extraordinary experiences, we too, are encouraged to pause and consider who we are —both as individuals and as a nation of immigrants and people from diverse backgrounds.