Marcella Gilbert is a Lakota and Dakota community organizer with a focus on food sovereignty and cultural revitalization. As the daughter of Madonna Thunder Hawk, Marcella grew up inside the movement for Indigenous self-determination and was a student at the We Will Remember Survival School. At 17, she served as a delegate to the International Indian Treaty Council at the United Nations in Geneva. Now, as a mother and grandmother, she continues to pass down that legacy of activism for future generations. In addition to being a leader on the Warrior Women Project’s Matriarchs Council, Marcella works for Simply Smiles, Inc., a non-profit organization operating on the Cheyenne River reservation in South Dakota. She manages the garden project that includes wild food identification, harvest, and food processing. She holds a Masters Degree in Nutrition from South Dakota State University. In 2014, Gilbert was recognized for her work by the Bush Foundation's Native Nations Rebuilders Program.