Tom Felter, Jr. has worked in Emergency Medical Services for over 30 years, with additional experience as a police officer and firefighter. He first developed and presented The Emily Talk in February of 2015. Since then, he and his daughter Emily have presented The Emily Talk dozens of times across the region, state, and country. Emily Felter is a 28-year-old self-advocate who plays an active role in teaching others about Down syndrome and disability by interacting with others before, after, and sometimes during The Emily Talk. The Emily Talk is a presentation that she inspired her paramedic father to develop and its aim is to teach first responders about the disability community. Wife and mother Tina Felter has been a nurse for over 30 years. She is currently the Clinical Manager of Labor and Delivery at Northwest Health – Porter. Tina provides key support to both Tom and Emily to make sure they have what they need to be successful. She also makes sure mothers who give birth to a baby with Down syndrome in her labor and delivery unit have all of the information they need to move forward.
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