Tone Grøttjord-Glenne is an award-winning Norwegian director and producer. She has a master’s degree in directing from the National Film and Television School in London. In 2005 she founded Sant & Usant with a vision of creating an environment for strong visual documentary film with the aim to create strong impact. ALL THAT I AM premiered in the main competition at Hot Docs 2020 and was launched in the cinemas across Norway and has since then won festivals awards. With a strong interest in impact, Tone has also built an impact and distribution company that has enabled her to create strong impact campaigns in Norway, including a digital platform reaching workplaces and higher education. ALL THAT I AM has become a huge part of this platform, enabling thousands of adults and students working with children to see the film and learn from Emilie's voice and other professionals featured in the film. Sisters on Track (2021, Netflix original) is her latest film as a director. Tone has produced around 20 films for a wide international audience, including award winning films such as 69 Minutes of 86 Days, I am Kuba and Bravehearts. She has co-produced several films, such as Writing with Fire and worked as an executive producer together with Joaquin Phoenix on Sant & Usant's latest film Gunda by Victor Kossakovsky. POV in 2020.