Reviews & Quotes | Being Michelle
WUFT/NPR | Katie Hyson, Report for America
"It struck me so powerfully as a viewer, what a central role she had in the documentary and in telling her own story."
RespectAbility | Delbert Whetter, Board Vice Chair
"Stories about people with disabilities have long been told through the lens of those that lack our lived experience. In this film, we see Michelle's story. Her voice can be seen through her hands, her artwork, and those who Michelle loves and cherishes in her life."
Roger Ebert | Matt Fagerholm, Literary Editor
"Atin Mehra’s 'Being Michelle' centers on a wrongfully incarcerated woman, and finds inventive ways to have us view the story from her perspective as a deaf person with autism."
Disability Rights New York | Marc Fliedner, Civil Rights Attorney
"I believe that this film should be mandatory viewing for everyone in every court system in this nation. Michelle's story tells the story of the devastating impact of solitary confinement, the devastating impact of being uniquely vulnerable in prison and jail systems because you are a person with disabilities, and again, so resoundingly, the fact that we don't take time to communicate with each other and that just results in misunderstandings that rob people like Michelle of decades of their lives."