Reviews & Quotes | The Last Pig

Valerie Lang Waldin, J.D., M.L.S., Associate Professor | Hudson Valley Community College
"As an animal law professor and academic librarian, I recognize the tremendous need for fact-based humane education. THE LAST PIG meets this need with beautiful imagery, an intriguing story line, and compelling facts. Our school’s screening experience was thought-provoking, profound, and philosophically robust. I am grateful that such a film finally exists. As institutions of higher learning, in which positive social change and prophetic thinking often begin, I hope you’ll consider bringing The Last Pig to your school. We can only benefit from this visionary work."

Educational Media Reviews Online | Dmitrii Sidorov, California State University, Long Beach
 "The film is set amidst the beautiful rural landscapes of Upstate New York where a pig farmer contemplates his experience and a moral predicament: he cannot stand any more sending his pigs to the slaughterhouse and therefore has decided to refocus his business on growing veggies. Such a short and simple storyline has many advantages. The message is clear and likely would resonate with many students of the younger generations that tend to value high sustainability, environment, and animal rights.

"The fact that the film is available in four different versions (from the Elementary School to the University level) of different length and accompanied by film companion guides is exemplary: all educational videos should follow this model.

"Cinematography (by Joseph Brunette) is unpretentious and certainly poetic with its focus on pigs’ eyes and low angle shots to imitate the pigs' point of view and perspective. The farmer’s intimate first-voice narration and evocative music allow the viewer to notice nuances and adsorb emotions: the film is a nostalgic farewell to the farm and its inhabitants, the pigs."

"This is a beautifully shot, sensitively narrated program that will stir discussion on animal rights."

Video Librarian ★★★/4
"Even viewers not necessarily captured by the [pigs] should respond to the film's emotional weight and message, delivered—dare we say?—tastefully."

Staci Hurley, Humane Educator | San Diego Humane Society
"I'm so excited that The Last Pig has been edited for use in classrooms. This program allows me to get kids to think about the impact of our choices in a sensitive, age-appropriate way. The video is beautiful and thought-provoking, but not graphic, and the 40+ page guide is AMAZING!!! All the work has been done for us!"

Moby | Music Icon, Restaurateur, Author, and Animal Activist
"Startling, honest, and deeply beautiful”

Richard Linklater | Award-Winning Film Director
“I want every single person in the world to see this film.”

James Cromwell | Award-Winning Actor
“An extraordinarily insightful and moving film. Profoundly important as well!”