Resources | Unseen
You, Authentically - Unseen Community Screening Toolkit
- A toolkit with step-by-step support to host a screening, including social media templates, discussion questions, poetry, and other valuable resources.
Auténticamente Tú - guía de estrenos comunitarios de lo que no se ve
- Una guía con apoyos detallados para organizar un estreno, incluyendo plantillas para redes sociales, preguntas de discusión, poesía, entre otros recursos valiosos.
- A discussion guide for facilitated collective conversations on unseen’s most pressing themes.
Guía de Discusión de POV para lo que no se ve
- Una guía de discusión para conversaciones facilitadas y colectivas en relación a los temas más urgentes del documental.
Unseen Lesson Plan, by Héctor Trinidad Plascencia, PBS
- “In this lesson students will look into the challenges that disabled people and immigrants might face in higher education and when seeking to access social services.”
Unseen Delve Deeper Reading List by POV
- A reading list curated in relation to the film’s most pressing themes.
- A new way of listening to podcasts. “unseen: Life as a Blind Immigrant” is a new immersive show about Pedro. But instead of telling you why Pedro is so interesting, we’ll put you inside the story of his life instead. Tune in every Tuesday of October 2024 for new episodes, wherever you listen.