TRUER THAN FICTION AWARD - Film Independent Spirit Awards | SHORTLIST - IDA Documentary Awards | OFFICIAL SELECTION - Hot Docs | GROUNDBREAKER AWARD - Cleveland International Film Festival | EMERGING FILMMAKER AWARD, AUDIENCE AWARD - Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival | DOCUMENTARY JURY AWARD - CAAMFest | SPECIAL JURY MENTION - New Orleans Film Festival | VIJAY MOHAN SOCIAL CHANGE AWARD - Philadelphia Asian American Film Festival | GRAND JURY DOCUMENTARY FEATURE AWARD - Seattle Asian American Film Festival | LEON GAST AWARD FOR BEST DOCUMENTARY NOMINEE - Woodstock Film Festival
Immigration • Undocumented Immigrants • Mental Health • Social Work • Disability • Blindness • Vision Loss • Healing • VulnerabilityDate of Completion: 2023 | Run Time: 88 minutes | Language: English & Spanish with English subtitles (Audio Descriptions also available) | Captions: Yes | Includes: Transcript & Study Guide | Director: Set Hernandez | Producers: Set Hernandez, Day Al-Mohamed & Félix Endara | Executive Producer: Diane Quon | Co-Producer: Dorian Gomez Pestaña | Editor: Daniel Chávez-Ontiveros & Set Hernandez | Associate Editor: Claudia Ramires | Music: Deandre James Allen-Toole | Original Song: Julie Yeeun Kim & Brandon Jung
Most people dream of a better future. Pedro, an aspiring social worker, is no different. But as a blind, undocumented immigrant, Pedro faces political restrictions to obtain his college degree, secure a job in his field, and support his family. As he finally graduates, uncertainty looms over Pedro. What starts as a journey to provide mental health care for his community ultimately transforms into Pedro’s path towards his own healing. Through experimental cinematography and sound, UNSEEN reimagines the accessibility of cinema, while exploring the intersections of immigration, disability, and mental health.
Shortlist | IDA Documentary Awards
Special Jury Mention | New Orleans Film Festival
Emerging Filmmaker Award, Audience Award | Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival
Documentary Jury Award | CAAMFest
Vijay Mohan Social Change Award | Philadelphia Asian American Film Festival
Leon Gast Award for Best Documentary Nominee | Woodstock Film Festival
Truer than Fiction Award | Film Independent Spirit Awards
Groundbreaker Award | Cleveland International Film Festival
Grand Jury Documentary Feature Award | Seattle Asian American Film Festival
Official Selection | San Diego Latino Film Festival
Hot Docs
Active Vista Human Rights Festival
Blackstar Film Festival
Buffalo International Film Festival
CineFest Latino Boston
Middlebury New Filmmakers Festival
NewFilmmakers Los Angeles
Queer Women of Color Film Festival
Society for Visual Anthropology
Windsor International Film Festival
Woods Hole Film Festival
Big Sky Documentary Film Festival
You, Authentically - Unseen Community Screening Toolkit
- A toolkit with step-by-step support to host a screening, including social media templates, discussion questions, poetry, and other valuable resources.
Auténticamente Tú - guía de estrenos comunitarios de lo que no se ve
- Una guía con apoyos detallados para organizar un estreno, incluyendo plantillas para redes sociales, preguntas de discusión, poesía, entre otros recursos valiosos.
- A discussion guide for facilitated collective conversations on unseen’s most pressing themes.
Guía de Discusión de POV para lo que no se ve
- Una guía de discusión para conversaciones facilitadas y colectivas en relación a los temas más urgentes del documental.
Unseen Lesson Plan, by Héctor Trinidad Plascencia, PBS
- “In this lesson students will look into the challenges that disabled people and immigrants might face in higher education and when seeking to access social services.”
Unseen Delve Deeper Reading List by POV
- A reading list curated in relation to the film’s most pressing themes.
- A new way of listening to podcasts. “unseen: Life as a Blind Immigrant” is a new immersive show about Pedro. But instead of telling you why Pedro is so interesting, we’ll put you inside the story of his life instead. Tune in every Tuesday of October 2024 for new episodes, wherever you listen.
Originally from the Philippines, Set Hernandez is a queer, undocumented immigrant, who dedicates their filmmaking to expand the portrayal of their community on screen. Their films primarily focus on the intersectionality of immigration with other experiences, be it abolition, labor, healthcare, or disability. Set's background in community organizing is rooted in collaborative practices that engage participants in a culturally relevant model. With a research background in film studies and linguistics, Set brings an analytical approach to cinema and social impact by celebrating narratives from perspectives that are often overlooked. Set is interested in complicating dominant narratives and pushing the aesthetics of film.

Throughout his career, Pedro has focused on expanding access to blind independent living skills, education, and mental health resources for vulnerable populations, particularly the Spanish-speaking community and undocumented immigrants. He firmly believes that knowledge is the key to liberation, and he tirelessly works to ensure that these marginalized groups have the tools and support they need to thrive.
In addition to his professional endeavors, Pedro is also actively involved in raising awareness about the intersectionality of disability, immigration, and mental health. He is the protagonist and co-writer of the documentary 'Unseen,' shedding light on the unique challenges faced by individuals who navigate these intersecting identities, while at the same time celebrating the power of vulnerability, resiliency and community.
Outside of his work, Pedro is a passionate triathlon enthusiast. Engaging in this activity not only grounds him but also connects him with his higher self. Pedro understands the importance of balancing his personal and professional life, and cherishes the time he spends with his loving family and close friends. Their unwavering support and love serve as his motivation to continue moving forward in making a positive impact on the lives of those he serves.