BEST SHORT DOCUMENTARY - Universe Multicultural Festival | AUDIENCE CHOICE AWARD FOR BEST SHORT DOCUMENTARY - DisOrient Film Festival | BEST EDITING AWARD - Hollywood Diversity International Film Festival
Chinese American Women's Empowerment • Asian American History • Identity • LGBTQ+ • Washington State History • Leadership • Chinatown • Belonging • Community
Date of Completion: 2023 | Run Time: 33 minutes | Language: English | Captions: Yes | Includes: Study Guide for Grades 4th-11th (Available Upon Purchase) | Director: Della Chen | Producers: Amy Benson & Della Chen | Editors: Dina Guttmann & Jason J. Chen
In 1952, an unlikely group formed in Seattle’s Chinatown. A group of Asian American high school girls wanted to be of service to the community, and approached Ruby Chow, a Chinese American politician and civic activist whose husband was a Cantonese Opera singer who had experience working with elaborate classic Chinese costumes. Ruby was also friends with a Seattle Police officer named Ted Yerabek, who taught the girls American military drills. That’s how the Seattle Chinese Community Girls Drill Team was formed. For 70 years, they have performed at parades all around Washington state, inspiring generations. This history is shared by Ruby Chow and her daughter Cheryl Chow from footage filmed in 2002. Cheryl took over the drill team in the 80s at the peak of their popularity when the drill team had 100 members. The team is about to celebrate their 70th anniversary at a challenging time: in the wake of the pandemic participation has dropped to 30 members, but the spirit of the drill team lives on! SHE MARCHES IN CHINATOWN is an inspiring story about belonging, identity, sisterhood, leadership, and a community that has flourished among a diverse group of women with backgrounds that represent a variety of sexual orientations, races, and ages. It is about a group that thrives despite being in a neighborhood targeted by hate and discrimination. As one superfan puts it, “Please don’t go away – Seattle needs you!”
NBC News | Emi Tuyetnhi Tran
"Chinese female drill team in Seattle challenges image of an 'American girl' “What it is to be a good Chinese girl? What does it mean to be a good American girl? It’s really hard to figure out what that is when you’re growing up,” one member said."
King 5/Evening Magazine | Jim Dever
"A unique Seattle tradition has been lifting up young women for more than 70 years The Seattle Chinese Community Girls Drill Team marches on in this documentary."
Best Short Documentary - Domestic | Universe Multicultural Festival
Audience Choice Best Short Documentary | DisOrient Film Festival
Best Editing Award | Hollywood Diversity International Film Festival
2nd Place, Best Documentary Short | Guangzhou International Documentary Film Festival
2nd Place, Best Documentary Short | Spokane International Film Festival
Filmmaker Chicago Awards | Filmmaker Chicago Awards
Asian American International Film Festival
Flickers Rhode Island International Film Festival
Seattle Premiere / Local Sightings Film Festival
Hong Kong Indie Film Festival
Hamburg Indie Film Festival
Paris International Short Festival
Tacoma Film Festival
La Independent Women Film Awards
Silicon Valley Asian Pacific Filmfest
Friday Harbor Film Festival
Chinese American Film Festival
Vancouver Asian Film Festival
Philadelphia Asian Film Festival
Reel Women’s Film Festival
Sydney Women’s International Film Festival
Lunar New Year Edmonds