DOCS AWARD! - Impact Documentary Awards Festival | AWARD OF MERIT - Documentary Feature Award of Merit: African American | AWARD OF MERIT - Women Filmmakers | "This films subject matter is incredibly important." - Higher Ground Productions
Gun Violence • Mass Shootings • Suicide by Gun • Gang Violence • Ghost Guns • Crime • Justice System • Team Enough • Parkland • Politics
Date of Completion: 2022 | Run Time: 85 minutes | Language: English | Captions: Yes | Includes: Transcript | Director & Producer: Dawn Alexander | Producers: David Massey & Anita Otano | Editor: Quinn Maloy Williams
This dynamic documentary, made by a mother of a young African American male, questions the staggering number of shootings in communities across the country, with a focus on Chicago. It share the stories of the people involved in the reduction of Gun Violence, the perpetrators, and victims, in order to put forward solutions. The media has attempted to normalize gun violence, especially in Chicago by ignoring it, and generally only highlighting gun violence when mass shootings occur. The filmmaker says" Gun violence must stop now, and it is up to filmmakers such as us to shine a bright and enduring light on the violence. People are DYING!"
President Brady United | Kris Brown
"Yes, this film was great."
Rus Bradburd, Author of All the Dreams We've Dreamed
"This terrific film is powerful stuff."
Higher Ground Productions
"This films subject matter is incredibly important."
DOCS Award! | Impact Documentary Awards Festival
Award of Merit | Documentary Feature Award of Merit: African American
Award of Merit | Women Filmmakers
Precious Blood Ministry of Reconciliation & The Faith Community of Saint Sabina-Screened
Bethel AME Church
First AME Church
Southern California Cease Fire
Brady United
Film Fatales
City of Inglewood
2nd Call of Los Angeles
Director, Producer & Writer for CHI-TOWN GUNS, GUN VIOLENCE & THE NRA
Dawn Alexander is an Impact DOCS Award winner for her most recent documentary which she Wrote, Produced and Directed, CHI-TOWN GUNS, GUN VIOLENCE & the NRA -This feature documentary with an original song by Macy Gray, delves into where guns are coming from that produce “mass shootings” in the 3rd largest city (Chicago) every weekend! The politics, politicians, former shooters, and organizations fighting for gun control. The NRA’s history, and their support of gun violence. Distributed by GOOD DOCS, Dawn is the mother of a young African American male, and as such created, THEY ARE NOT ALL LOST with a deeply felt commitment to his safety and the safety of other young black men in the U.S. This film won the People’s Choice Award at the San Diego Christian Film Festival, HollyShorts Official Selection & HollyShorts Festival Documentaries Audience award @ the HollyShorts Film Festival. Along with David Massey, Dawn is currently the Producer and Writer of this award-winning documentary (turned doc series) NOT ALL LOST, which focuses on youth of color, who overcome adversity and achieve success in life. A reality-based, celebrity driven PBS television program that’s airing in over hundreds of PBS markets. She also produced the short films, BABY GIRL, and WHEN JUSTICE ISN'T JUST being her most recent, attempts to address Justice, since: "Justice can only exist within the coordinates of equality and is the constant and perpetual disposition to render every person his due.” When Justice Isn’t Just, is distributed by First Run Features.
Dawn’s current feature doc in pre-production chronicles the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), Indigenous/Native Women and the obstacles, women hurt/saved, the incremental steps forward that eventually accomplished reauthorization. Dawn produced several award-winning commercials and public service announcements for TBWA/Chait/Day and Grey Advertising. She is a winner of the Black Filmmakers Hall of Fame Award for her screenplay “Madness.” With an MFA from UCLA. Dawn’s recent screenplay feature “LA UnCovered” has earned her a semi- finalist in the 2023 Academy Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting competition.