Film poster for "Sequencing Hope" with illustration of DNA strand on blue background.
Film poster for "Sequencing Hope" with illustration of DNA strand on blue background.
An Alabama family puts their faith in the new medical frontier of gene therapy to save their child's life


Regular price $129.00

OFFICIAL SELECTION - Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival | Minnesota Arts Board Grant Recipient

Pioneering Gene Therapy • Personal Journey of Medical Innovation • Humanization of Science • Ethical and Social Implications • Inspiration and Awareness for Medical Stakeholders • Educational and Emotional Resource

Date of Completion: 2024 | Run Time: 46 minutes​​ | Language: English with English subtitles | Captions: Yes | Includes: Transcript | Directors & Producers: Maribeth Romslo & Lindsey Seavert

An Alabama family puts their faith in a new frontier of medicine after their toddler becomes the first patient in the US to receive an experimental gene therapy treatment for a rare disease. SEQUENCING HOPE examines the high stakes of altering genes and explores how far a family will go to save their child’s life. The Hamlett family, of Winfield, Alabama, begins a journey of unknowns that uproots them from their close knit town in Northwest Alabama and transports them to a whirlwind of cutting-edge medical advancements underway in Minnesota. SEQUENCING HOPE goes beyond the science to witness the profound impact of groundbreaking medical history on the life of a toddler who became the first patient in the United States to undergo this experimental gene therapy at M Health Fairview Masonic Children’s Hospital in 2021.