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RECOMMENDED - Educational Media Reviews Online | OFFICIAL SELECTION - Seattle Queer Film Festival
Gender and Sexuality Studies • Sociology • LGBTQ+ Studies • Sociology of SportDate of Completion: 2018 | Run Time: 55 minutes | Language: English | Captions: Yes, English and Spanish | Includes: Transcript & Study Guide | Director: Andrew Seger | Producer: Lauren Lubin
What if the world told you that you don't exist? For many gender non-conforming individuals, this is the reality. WE EXIST: Beyond the Binary is one of the first films to document this growing community living life “beyond the binary” construct of gender, offering a first-hand account of what it is like to exist as other than strictly male or female. Designed with education in mind, WE EXIST features non-binary individuals, activists, and doctors who all weigh in on subjects ranging from gender binary/social constructs, pronouns, access, and safety. It also tells the riveting and deeply personal story of Lauren Lubin: a person in their mid-twenties who identifies as gender neutral. Lauren shares the emotional, physical, and mental changes and obstacles they face in order to be their authentic self. From abandoning a promising basketball career to a near-death experience in the depths of the rainforest, to top surgery, Lauren’s journey is one of transformation. While their story is unique, it also echoes the stories of so many other non-binary people around the world. Featuring non-binary activists Tyler Ford, and Kristen Russo, as well as Dr. Anthony Vivasis, the Clinical Director of Medical Services at Callen Lorde Community Health Center and Dr. Charles Garramone, Board Certified Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon at The Garramone Center.
Educational Media Reviews Online (EMRO) | Reviewed by Lara Herzellah, Student Success & Engagement Librarian, NC State University Libraries
"This film is highly educational, with discussions occurring outside of Lauren's story, from activists and doctors who spend time explaining terminology and the differences between sex and gender. [...] All in all, this is an important and timely piece. The most powerful part for me was the roll call at the end of the film of non-binary individuals from across the world. I would recommend this film for any academic library or any class exploring the complexities of sex and gender."
Nylon | Sandra Song
"So what’s the first step in spreading nonbinary awareness? Get this film and other pertinent educational resources in front of as many people as possible."
"Covering a lot of ground in a short amount of time, We Exist highlights the differences between sex and gender, explains how gender identity and gender expression overlap but don’t necessarily mean the same thing, and examines the need for community as one explores both/or spaces within "the big cloud of identity.'"
Pride | Latonya Pennington
"The discussions that occur between Tyler Ford, Kristen Russo, Dr. Charles Garramone, and Dr. Anthony Vavasis are educational. They serve to not only clear up misconceptions of gender identity, but also to show how much work there needs to be done for non-binary people. Their statements are clear enough that a person trying to do research on non-binary identity or trying to figure out their gender identity could use this film as a resource."
Advocate | Allison Tate
"Nonbinary identities are rarely made available to people growing up, and are only discovered after adolescence. We Exist is a documentary that fights to change this lack of awareness by elevating nonbinary voices."
"The documentary is an intimate work that reaches up to the most personal issues that a gender-non-conforming trans person might face and can function as a crucial point of reference, relation and inclusion for non-binary people from all over the world."
Official Selection | Seattle Queer Film Festival
Official Selection | Coop d'Ull 2018
Western Psychological Association
University of California Irvine
Case Western Reserve University
University of Vermont
Chatham University
Hunter College
University of Regina
Thundermist Health Center
Miami University Hamilton Pride
The Phluid Project
Ali Forney Center
Featured participant & Producer of WE EXIST: Beyond the Binary
Lauren Lubin is pioneering a new frontier of gender awareness and equality by producing WE EXIST: BEYOND THE BINARY – a film exploring life outside the gender binary. Lauren’s work shatters antiquated constructs that define gender as either male or female. Their project has started an international “WE EXIST” movement, inspiring those who exist outside the gender binary to stand-up for their recognition. Lauren’s work extends beyond the film and into the athletic arena as well. Lauren’s a former Division I athlete who has been featured in ABC Good Morning, TIME, BBC World Sports, VICE and countless others. Both an avid runner and activist, Lauren made headlines with their “WE RUN” campaign—which advocates for equal space and recognition for nonbinary athletes. Lauren also founded Andro Runners: NYC’s first nonbinary-specific running group.

Andrew Seger is the Creative Director at INDISTRY - an OTT streaming app focused on discovering and developing emerging artists. After completing a Master’s in Radio & Television from San Francisco State University and instructing Experimental Video there, Andrew relocating to New York where he worked in fashion, ultimately becoming the post production manager for New York Fashion Week, MIAMI SWIM, and ARUBA IN STYLE. In addition to directing WE EXIST, he has edited and produced commercials, documentaries, features, music videos, television, and fashion. He is a brand strategist and the founder of Flannel Projects, the boutique production house that produced WE EXIST. Andrew is passionate and informed on gender fluidity from the mechanics of the gender binary, to the social and media reaction and evolution, to the granularities of WE EXIST and its production. WE EXIST took five years to make during which time Andrew gained experience interviewing non-binary and trans speakers, educators, activists and doctors covering a fluid subject as it underwent it’s growing pains in the public eye. As the director and editor of the film, Andrew can speak to the mechanics of making a documentary, issues surrounding making a biographical piece on someone still living and how one’s views can change from seeing this film from the inside.